Are you more of a lone wolf or are you a team player? In these times of increasing digitalization and internationalization, even companies that have preferred to play their cards close to their chests and do everything “in-house” are starting to reach their limits:
competent and experienced partners are worth their weight in gold and save you a lot of time, effort and often trouble. On the other hand, those who don’t have any digitization partners will be hampered in their plans. Increasingly, digitization and globalization go hand in hand. That’s your guarantee of You need an expert translation partner to successfully drive your global digital projects.
Expand your offering, explore new markets
According to a Bitkom study, around 55 percent of all companies lack experienced and well-trained employees or even the know-how to implement digitization projects. This can be an immense hindrance in times when flexibility and speed are of the essence. A collaboration with expert partners, on the other hand, accelerates your digitization projects and growth plans. Here’s an example: Companies that partner with a translation service provider like ACT Translations to localize their software, websites, marketing materials or other content expand their own service offerings and fuel their own entry into new markets. Because global networking and cooperation across international borders are more important today than ever before. But a plan like this can only succeed if you have the right language experts on your side.
The problem: Many companies still do not think outside the box and only want to work with companies from within their own segment, such as IT, the public sector, or industry. There is no cross-sector exchange. However, there are many productive partnerships that link different sectors in a future-oriented way, for example in translations, content creation or digital marketing. An ecosystem of diverse partners with different core competencies is ideal for implementing future plans in a multi-layered and efficient manner. This is where a team spirit and innovativeness are essential. Digital partnering is all about digitizing products, which in an international environment includes translations, expanding digital expertise, and growing solidly.
Add translation services to your portfolio
But what are the tangible benefits of partnering with a translation expert? The first thing to mention here is cost savings when it comes to translating your own content. At the same time, companies can also include professional localizations and the like as part of their service portfolio and thus offer holistic support to their existing customers and, at the same time, attract new international customers. But that’s not all: ACT Translations’ business partners also benefit from various terms and benefits when they recommend language services to others. At the same time, they receive support from ACT to address new target groups.
“Let him who binds himself forever…”
So weit so gut, doch worauf ist in Sachen Partnersuche konkret zu achten? Zunächst einmal muss die Chemie stimmen. Beide Partner sollten ähnliche Ziele verfolgen – etwa gemeinsames Wachstum oder internationale Expansion. Ein fester Ansprechpartner und regelmäßige Absprachen – persönlich, am Telefon oder im Video-Call – sind ratsam, um aktuelle Situationen, Bedarfe und mehr zu besprechen. Dies schließt fundierte professionelle Beratung ein. Wer einen langfristigen Partner sucht, sollte potenzielle Kandidaten zudem auf Herz und Nieren prüfen: Wie lange sind sie am Markt? Welche Leistungen werden geboten? Neben klassischen Übersetzungen werden etwa SEO und SEA, Social Media, Videountertitelung oder Copy Adaption immer wichtiger. Mit wie vielen Übersetzer:innen kooperiert der Sprachdienstleister? Welche Qualifikationen können diese vorweisen? Sind sie Muttersprachler:innen? Was sagen Kund:innen? Was sind Besonderheiten und Services, die das eigene Unternehmen voranbringen können? Gibt es etwa Qualitätsanalysen, und wenn ja, welche?
Questions upon questions, but they will lead you along the path to a successful and fruitful partnership.
Finden Sie hier heraus, welche Vorteile Ihnen eine Partnerschaft mit ACT Translations bietet, und wie Sie unser Partner werden können.
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