Out marketing specialists analyze, translate, and optimize your existing SEO content. They also write entirely new content and adapt the SEA translation of your ads to the unique culture in your target market.
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The following applies to your international search engine marketing (SEM) strategy: The relevance of content for users is one of the most important ranking criteria for Google. The aim is to create a user-friendly website and use search-engine-optimized content (SEO) to move your website up in the search engine results. To deliver real value, multilingual websites must offer readers high-quality content. It’s not about producing perfect SEO texts or SEA ads for Google, but about convincing readers in other countries of a certain topic or product.
Organic ranking
We want to help you achieve the organic search results you want for your website. What makes good international SEO translations and where is the best place to start? With keyword research to learn about the search behavior of your target audience. This research forms the basis for your content and corresponds with the search needs of existing and potential target customers.
Our marketing experts apply the researched keywords and your company’s strategy to create and optimize all important content with users and search engines in mind. Keywords should only be one part of your global content strategy. There are other relevant areas for Google ranking, including technical SEO and off-page optimization.
The counterpart to organic placement is paid advertising. With Google AdWords, you can define keywords that are crucial for your business and bid on them in an advertising auction. If someone searches for exactly these keywords, the search engine decides whether and which ads are displayed in the search results. This search engine marketing process is known as Search Engine Advertising, or SEA for short.The paid ads are usually listed among the first positions in the search results. For additional clicks by users, you incur costs from the search engine operator. However, clicked ads do not guarantee more sales. The recommended marketing strategy is to invest in both short-term advertising and long-term SEO measures for the performance of your website.
Our professional marketing freelancers provide the necessary professional insight to ensure that everything is right for your project.
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ACT ist die besondere Spezialisierung der Übersetzer:innen auf die unterschiedlichen Fachbereiche wichtig – unser umfangreicher Pool an Muttersprachler:innen ermöglicht es uns, für jeden Fachbereich die passenden Sprachexpert:innen zu finden.
Das Team von ACT hat langjährige Erfahrung mit den besonderen Anforderungen von Industrie und Handel, insbesondere mit den wachsenden Ansprüchen unserer internationalen Businesskunden.
Unsere maßgeschneiderten Texte sind Zeichen Ihrer Professionalität. Sie sind die Voraussetzung für eine reibungslose Kommunikation und Garant dafür, dass die Botschaft des Originaltextes erhalten bleibt – in allen Kulturen.
Every single piece of copy undergoes a separate quality control process: Is every aspect of the translation perfect in terms of language and content? Our texts are always checked before being submitted to our clients. As a highly respected translation agency, we vouch for the quality of our work with our name.
Your personal contact provides expert and solution-oriented advice. We use cutting-edge technology and a sure feel for languages to deliver expert, on-target translations.
Your deadlines are our deadlines, and we strive to make the whole process easy for you. That’s what we mean by quality. Our translation service goes the extra mile.
Kirti Sawhney-Kersten, Key Account Manager
Phone: +49 2161 56711 – 59
Email: [email protected]
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