ACT Translations

Job openings

ACT is always looking for strong partners who use their expert knowledge and top-notch language skills to deliver effective translations.

Become part of our team

Even though we work with a large pool of professionals, you’ll be much more than just a number with us. Individuality and appreciation are very big in our cultural DNA. We treat each other with respect and as equal partners at all times. Personal warmth and attentiveness are the hallmark of our work – in our dealings with each other and with our partners and customers. This also means that others’ ideas and opinions are not just tolerated – they are respected and valued. We look optimistically to the future, help each other and pull together as a team – at ACT these aren’t just hollow phrases every company uses to woo new talent. They’re lived realities. Find out for yourself!

We spell “appreciation” with a capital A. Every individual is important. No one is just a number.

Our vacancies

We don’t have any vacancies at the moment.
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How we work

A career in the translation industry? You bet. And not only as a translator! Of course, we always welcome language professionals – like translation project managers who support a regular client base, or the proofreaders who give our translations the finishing touch. But we’re also looking for people with other areas of expertise – like in IT, sales, marketing or HR.

We want our employees to feel at home with us so that they can provide our clients with the best possible service and top quality. By offering flexible hours, remote work options and a healthy work-life balance, we work to meet our employees’ need for flexibility and a balanced lifestyle.

Five steps to your new job

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ACT career benefits

The variety of our clients and services makes every day and every job at ACT exciting. Hardly a day goes by without a new and interesting project or opportunity. We’re always on the move. Help us conquer the (translation) world and come grow with us!

We want to keep evolving as a service provider and impressing our clients every single day – together with you. The best way to achieve that is with fun and balance. That’s a truth we live by.

At ACT, you can look forward to:

Your contact

Everyone who works with us is an equal partner
– freelancers as well as permanent employees. I am
passionate about creating a comfortable and productive work environment by giving every team member individual support and providing exciting tasks
and growth opportunities. People can only develop their full potential in an open atmosphere of appreciation.

I’m looking forward to receiving your application.

icon act translations
If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me any time.

Vera Weigel