Our top ten tips for a successful app translation and localization

Laura Mangels
A.C.T. GmbH

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Localization is the magic word when you want to use an app to help you grow and capture new markets. Whether an application can reach new users in the future will stand or fall according to how it is translated into other languages. However, successful localization involves more than just translating text. Here are the top ten tips on app translation and localization.

10 tipps fuer app uebersetzung und lokalisierung 1

1. Linguistic idiosyncrasies

Language does not exist in isolation but is embedded within an evolved historical context. Even words and phrases used in German-speaking countries can sometimes differ significantly from each other in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. A good translation also incorporates local idiosyncrasies, for instance, to enable the most effective call to action in the app.

2. Linguistic and cultural differences

Country-specific characteristics are not confined to the language. The symbolism of colors and typography, the direction of reading, or the way in which text interacts with photos, and graphics must also be considered. The success or failure of an app in a new market is determined by the overall user experience.

10 tipps fuer app uebersetzung und lokalisierung 2

3. Adapting the programming

The process of internationalizing your app involves creating the necessary background conditions to enable successful localization. Even at the programming stage, it is essential to ensure that languages, units of measurement, and currencies can be localized and that the entire user interface can be adapted to the needs of the relevant target audience. Consumers in different markets are often used to different user interfaces.

4. Focus on text length

Another factor to keep in mind when translating apps is that text length does not remain the same across different languages. For instance, German or French texts are substantially longer than English texts. However, apps have limited space, especially for headings or buttons. Those who are proficient with language can make use of its flexibility and synonyms and make the most out of the limited available space. From a technical perspective, it’s also important to consider, for example, the use of responsive web design to prevent truncated content.

5. Don’t forget to test

To ensure that the translations and customized user interface achieve the desired effect in your new sales market, beta testing can be helpful. This ensures that possible problems or misunderstandings are identified by users and can be corrected before the final launch of the app. Optimization includes things like an intuitive interface, accurate texts, and optimum legibility of all content.

6. Open Sesame: Let’s look at App Store Optimization (ASO)

Once the app has been optimized for users in different markets, the next step is to optimize the respective app stores. After all, it’s not just the text and overall impression of the app that must be right. The app store determines whether people actually find your app at all and are ultimately inspired to download it. Accurate translations and screenshots tailored to the local markets can contribute to good ASO.

7. Monitoring the users

After your localized and translated app is launched in a new market, you need to pay very close attention to reviews and ratings. Targeted monitoring will alert you as soon as possible to potential improvements and allows you to further optimize the user experience.

8. Defining new target markets

Once your app has been successfully localized for a new market, the subsequent expansion steps are easier. You will already know the work steps and what you need to look out for. Keep an open mind about target groups and countries that you may not have considered before. Successful localization opens up new possibilities for you.

9. Finding the right provider

An experienced partner at your side will support you throughout the localization and translation process. Whether a small agency or a provider with a broader language offering is required depends largely on your expansion strategy. Here at ACT, we translate into more than 150 languages worldwide for our customers.

10. Getting the most out of machine translation

Artificial intelligence can be a useful tool for localizing and translating apps but cannot fully replace human know-how. As mentioned above, there are many linguistic and cultural idiosyncrasies as well as technical components to consider. Post-editing of machine translation (MTPE) by experts will significantly improve the quality of machine translation.

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