Language services

E-learning localization

Want to have your educational videos translated into another language? A team of experts will gladly support you with the linguistic implementation of e-learning content and digital learning platforms.


Digitalization within the “learning trend”

How digital learning is shaping the corporate sector

More and more companies and educational institutions are now relying on digital learning methods. This often involves electronically supported learning (electronic learning = e-learning), for which various media and platforms can be used. Courses, seminars, and videos in the native language of the student are easier to understand and are absorbed more effectively than in a foreign language. Our team will gladly support you with the localization of digital learning materials.

Which digital learning formats should we process for you?

Here are a few examples:

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E-learning content for companies

Depending on how extensively and customized e-learning courses are, different application examples come into question. Talk to us about which e-learning content you need localized.

Customer-specific content vs. standard content

Fast and convenient.

Get a free instant quote now.

+49 (0) 2161 56711-0

Business clients only

Our service is only available for companies

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Kirti Sawhney-Kersten

Key Account Manager

Does your project have complex requirements?

Our experts will find the right solution for you.

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Trust in our quality

Every single piece of copy undergoes a separate quality control process: Is every aspect of the translation perfect in terms of language and content? Our texts are always checked before being submitted to our clients. As a highly respected translation agency, we vouch for the quality of our work with our name.

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Certified for the headquarters in Mönchengladbach
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Certified for the headquarters in Mönchengladbach
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Would you like
a personal consultation?

Your personal contact provides expert and solution-oriented advice. We use cutting-edge technology and a sure feel for languages to deliver expert, on-target translations.
Your deadlines are our deadlines, and we strive to make the whole process easy for you. That’s what we mean by quality. Our translation service goes the extra mile.

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Hello, my name is Kirti Sawhney-Kersten.
How can I help you?

Kirti Sawhney-Kersten, Key Account Manager