Language services


We localize your software, apps, and games and adapt them for diverse markets and target groups – for authentic user experiences worldwide.


The right words in context – all over the world

With localization, the translation experts at ACT adapt your content to any cultural context.

Your content is customized linguistically, culturally and technically to feels authentic in the target country – from software localization to localization for games and apps to technical documentation. Or ask us about localizing your websites and shop systems so that all your customers benefit from the same positive experience when they’re browsing and shopping – no matter where they are.


Our comprehensive service

We look at your localization project from every angle and adapt for:

Our services

untertitel uebersetzen subtitle translator

Translating subtitles in more than 50 languages.

Subtitling in the original language is already challenging. Even more complicated in a foreign language. Our experienced language professionals translate the text sequences and simultaneously adjust their length since our eyes absorb information a little slower than our ears.

transkription audios videos transkribieren audio video transcription

Audio and video transcription

Conversations, recordings, negotiations – would you like to document the verbal communication on paper? We will be happy to help.

Localization, internationalization, globalization

Localization and internationalization often go hand-in-hand with globalization. And translations grease the wheels.

lokalisierung internationalisierung globalisierung act internationalization globalization
softwarelokalisierung app lokalisierung game lokalisierung software localization

To master all the challenges of localization, come to the experts

Our experts know all the linguistic and cultural nuances to ensure an authentic experience.

Adapting software, apps and games to a new cultural context is a complex task. Technically and linguistically, the target group must be able to find their way around the translated version just as easily as the users of the original product. ACT works with an expert team of professional translators, programmers, and graphic designers that have the cultural background experience needed to meet this challenge. We pinpoint the localization needs and meet them.

lokalisieren kultur sprache zielland zielmarkt localize culture language target market

We look at your applications with the eyes of future target groups

Our experienced translators support you throughout the localization process.

Whether the user-friendliness of apps and software or an exciting gaming experience – localization demands not only an excellent feel for languages, but also comprehensive knowledge of the cultural context of the target market. Our translators are professionals with years of experience who deliver results your users will appreciate.

zertifizierter uebersetzungsdienstleister fachuebersetzung qualitaetsmanagement certified translation service provider

Trust in our quality

Every single piece of copy undergoes a separate quality control process: Is every aspect of the translation perfect in terms of language and content? Our texts are always checked before being submitted to our clients. As a highly respected translation agency, we vouch for the quality of our work with our name.

act uebersetzungsservice iso 18587
Certified for the headquarters in Mönchengladbach
act uebersetzungsservice iso 17100 translations
Certified for the headquarters in Mönchengladbach
tekom uebersetzungsagentur mitgliedschaft translation agency membership logo
gala mitgliedschaft membership act translationslogo
der mittelstand bvmw uebersetzungsunternehmen language service logo

Your projects are in good hands with us

ihre ansprechpartner sprachdienstleister your contact person language service provider act translations
Our translators

Here at ACT, the specialization of our translators in their specific fields is extremely important to us. We maintain a large pool of native-speaking professionals, with experts in a vast variety of fields and language combinations. This way, you can always rest assured that you will receive professional results.

lektorieren uebersetzung pruefen korrekturlesen proofreading editing translations
Translation management

The ACT team has many years of experience dealing with the unique requirements of industry and commerce, especially in meeting the increasing demands of our international customers.

zertifizierter uebersetzungsdienstleister fachuebersetzung qualitaetsmanagement certified translation service provider
Quality policy

Our custom-tailored texts reflect your professionalism. They are the prerequisite for seamless communication and the guarantee that your original message remains intact –all over the world.

Would you like
a personal consultation?

Your personal contact provides expert and solution-oriented advice. We use cutting-edge technology and a sure feel for languages to deliver expert, on-target translations.
Your deadlines are our deadlines, and we strive to make the whole process easy for you. That’s what we mean by quality. Our translation service goes the extra mile.

ihre ansprechpartner sprachdienstleister your contact person language key account manager act

Hello, my name is Kirti Sawhney-Kersten.
How can I help you?

Kirti Sawhney-Kersten, Key Account Manager