The good old sales presentation: Despite all the digitalization efforts, personal presentations and face-to-face contact have not lost their importance in sales. On an international level, the sales presentation must be impeccably translated. But that alone is not enough. Read here to find out how you can also impress international customers.
Very few people manage to strike the perfect balance between appearing knowledgeable and personable. Obviously, sales presentations must be convincing in terms of argumentation. However, it is equally important to win over potential customers on an emotional level by appearing sympathetic and conveying a sense of mutual understanding.
In an international setting, language is a key criterion. Salespeople who are not fluent in the target language will not be convincing and will run into issues when questions are asked. The presentation must not contain any translation errors either. The documents and verbal presentation should be flawless. However, it is also crucial to understand and observe the subtleties of the respective culture.
Here are some tips for your sales presentation to international customers.
The documents: Storytelling is more than just translating
In European language regions, especially in German-speaking areas, the sales presentation is primarily used to provide information. It conveys facts and details objectively and straight forward without fun or entertaining distractions.
While this approach could generally be called into question, it is even more precarious when you are dealing with customers with an American background. They also want to be informed first and foremost, but they don’t mind lightening the mood with a little bit of fun. This affects the personal presentation style and the design of the presentation documents. You should create a certain dynamic here by asking questions, facilitating short discussion rounds or incorporating professional, short video clips. This should not be done at the expense of providing the necessary information, nor does it have to be. In fact, the goal here is to convey it even more effectively.
Basically, translation is about storytelling, even if this term is rarely associated with sales presentations. Presentation materials should also tell a story in German, but in the Anglo-American environment it is almost mandatory. What this story looks like is up to you. The key is that you tell one! Humor can be beneficial here, and personal anecdotes can also be useful.
Presentation is also relationship building
If you are interacting with Asian customers, it is advisable to pay attention to Guanxi. The Chinese term corresponds to the German “Beziehungsnetzwerk” (network of relationships), but it is more complex. Notably, it does not have the ambivalent reputation that “networks” often have. It is not about corruption, but about building trust based on personal relationships. A small step in this direction can be to allow personal details shine through in the otherwise matter-of-fact presentation. This may well include anecdotes about family backgrounds and influences.
It is also worth taking a closer look at the visual presentation. German customers are used to factual presentations filled with tables and diagrams. (How much they enjoy them remains to be seen) In US companies, it is common to rely heavily on images and a generally appealing visual design. They also do not shy away from playing with vivid colors.
Colors, symbols, formatting: A question of culture
Speaking of colors: The more distant the target culture is from your own, the more you should pay attention to avoid unknowingly using color codes incorrectly. Some colors evoke completely different associations in other cultures and can therefore ruin the most elaborate presentation.
The same applies to the use of symbols. They can also lead to unpleasant misunderstandings if they have not been checked by professionals. And finally, the correct formatting and layout also depend on the cultural background. Something that looks clear and concise to European eyes could be perceived as cold and impersonal in Asian markets.
Hence, the adaptation of the sales presentation is much more than mere translation. It requires transcreation. In this creative process, professionals adapt content to another culture in a manner that triggers the desired associations and feelings there too. Put simply: If it is important, you should put it in the trusted hands of professional translators.
Far from trivial: Translation of technical terminology
Having presentation documents translated with professional accuracy is not only a question of effectiveness, but also of respect. Especially when it comes to translating into English, many people overestimate their own language skills. Even though it may be good enough for small talk, the subtleties and nuances are usually reserved for native speakers.
It is particularly important not to underestimate the technical terminology factor. The English vocabulary is significantly larger than the German vocabulary, which is why technical terms are often translated incorrectly. Working with a translation service provider also has the advantage that a glossary is created for long-term collaborations, in which the necessary technical terms are consistently linked with a distinct equivalent in the target language.
English has long since established itself as the universal language (lingua franca) in international sales and marketing. However, it is also worth considering using words or even phrases in the local language on one or two slides in Keynote or PowerPoint presentations. While that may seem like hardly more than a small gesture, it shows respect and at least subconsciously triggers certain emotions.
The presentation style can also be “multilingual”
Salespeople have very different styles in the way they approach their respective customers. Personality is and remains a key aspect of sales. Nevertheless, it is worth considering small adaptations here without undermining the individual style.
The predominantly matter-of-fact presentations in Germany are not equally well received elsewhere. Internationally, it is quite common to use a little more verbal storytelling.
During the presentation, as well as in small talk before and after your pitch, you can send many small signals to connect with the target culture. These signals are often the same as in the documents themselves. US-American business people expect a certain amount of entertainment and liveliness. In Asia, things get a little more complicated. Here, it is important to understand the meaning of gestures and facial expressions or even the importance of hierarchy. Professional translation of presentations is not a substitute for intercultural coaching. However, it does provide valuable tips that you can put to good use during your presentation.